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Happy Dance

Senior Toddler

29 months - 36 months

About our senior toddler program

At Riverside Daycare, we understand the importance of providing a comprehensive and compassionate care experience for toddlers. Our experienced staff members are dedicated to nurturing the development of each child, focusing on important milestones, and teaching with compassion.

We believe in creating a stimulating and supportive environment where toddlers can reach their developmental milestones. Our curriculum is designed to enhance their social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth. We provide age-appropriate activities that promote language development, problem-solving skills, and fine and gross motor skills and encourage social interaction with their peers.

To ensure that each child receives the individualized attention they need, we maintain a low staff-to-child ratio of 1:6 in our toddler care program. This ensures that our experienced staff members can provide the care, guidance, and engagement that toddlers require during this crucial stage of their development.

Our staff members have extensive experience and training in early childhood education and are passionate about working with toddlers. They are dedicated to creating a nurturing and supportive environment where each child feels valued, loved, and encouraged to reach their full potential.

Want to book a tour? We would love to meet you!

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